Adding Units to the GameBoard
This page is still incomplete
Last post I was able to make a GameBoardGrid using BoardTile prefabs. Now I want to add units and be able to select and move them around.
Game Objects
First, we want to understand the game objects we’ll be creating, and understanding their role and where to put certain functions.
- handles the overarching game flow
- the actual unit we’ll be moving
- contains its own pathfinding algorithms, and movement stats
- will be the parent to its containing unit
- used for unit/position selections
- will throw authority to the GameManager to handle tileClicks on itself
Moving a Unit
These are my initial ideas on implementation before actually implementing it.
- gameManager enters idle state
- click on tile –> if idleState and containsUnit –> pass reference of self and unit to gameManager
- gameManager enters selectState
- click on tile –> if selectState and !containsUnit –> move unit to tile
How does the TicTacToe Tutorial handle Game Logic
- uses a GameController object
- on Awake() imports the gridSpace references to be accessed locally
- GameManager has getter functions for other objects to use to get relevant information
- should I give units access to the GridGame board to move themselves?
- this way each unit can apply their own movement stats and algorithms
- unit’s can physically move themselves in the world space, and make themselves a child of their new tile
- being a child of the tile is useful, so you can add getters and setters for unitContained and vary responses useful for fog of war functionality later on
- GridSpaces contain their own data of the “X” or “O”
- GridSpaces use GameManager.getPlayerTurn to help decide game logic
- GridSpaces also call the GameManager.EndTurn() function themselves
BoardTile clicks() should always just report to the gameManager that a click event has occured. This indicates that a GameManager.handleTileClick() function would be useful. It should check take in the clicked tile position as an argument and check the GameManager’s state, whether or not it’s waiting for a tile to be selected or to initiate a Unit’s action functions.