Creating a Game Board
This page is still incomplete
While I’m still self-studying game design theory, and how to design a good game. I figured I should start practicing how to implement portions of a game. The game I’m aiming to develop is a turn based strategy game, played on a 2D grid. For today, I’m going to investigate how exactly to create an interactable grid gameboard in Unity2D. I will also explore best ways to save and store different game maps. I’m initially thinking about storing map data in 2D arrays.
- system.serializable displays values into the unity editor
- make classes for data types (ex: questionData class that holds question text and answer options)
Level Generator
- make levelGenerator gameObject
- represent a map using pixel colors in image, or an array
- make prefab for each tile type
- make class that represents mapping from value to prefab (ie. ColorToPrefab)
- [serial.serializable] makes class iteratable
- Instantiate prefab using the Object.Instantiate function
Tilemap vs Prefab Tiles
- What does monobehavior mean btw?
Plan for Development
- Create prefab for a single tile
- Create a script that instantiates one instance of the prefab
- Use local integer array to instantiate multiple prefabs into a grid
- Create a script that highlights the last clicked tile
- Create script that imports integer arrays from a json file
- spawns board tiles in a grid
- parent to all the board tile objects
- Texture (based on type of tile)
- Unit on Tile
- Is it better to have the Unit save its position, or the position save the unit? (for now we do the latter)
2D Collider to register mouse over and mouse click events
- Is it better to have one boardTileObject prefab and create separate sub-components to represent different types of tiles? (for now we will)