Zero Sum Games
Develop a strategy to maximize your own score while minimizing your opponents, using an immediate payoff matrix and assumming both players play optimally.
0 1 0 A B 1 C D
Solving with Linear Programming:
- Let xi denote the probability that the row player plays strategy i and yj denote the probability the the column player plays strategy j.
- If the column player uses strategy j0, then the row player’s payoff will be Ax0 + Cx1
- If the column player uses strategy j1, then the row player’s payoff will be Bx0 + Dx1
- So the column player’s optimal strategy becomes: min(Ax0 + Cx1, Bx0 + Dx1)
- As a result, the row player’s optimal strategy also becomes max(min(Ax0 + Cx1, Bx0 + Dx1))
Linear Program Solution for Row Player:
- max P
- p <= Ax0 + Cx1
- p <= Bx0 + Dx1
- xi >= 0
- x0 + x1 = 1
Note: The LP for the Row Player and the LP for the Column Player are Dual to each other despite which player announces their strategy first.