Product: CMS API
Sprint Summary

Daily Objectives

  1. Type up Software Design Doc
    • Everything should finally be settled smile
  2. Find a program to draw up all the Graphs
    • Using Lucidchart since it seems like it does everything I need
    • Draw it up on paper first
  3. Write up Sprint Summary
  4. Compile and Organize all the Daily Scrums
    • Export to PDFs
  5. Finish Sprint Page in Portfolio Site


How should I type up the Software Design Document? I should type it into a word document first I guess and then copy and paste into it.

Note: use Diet.js for managing client sites on different domains

Where do I store the ‘Project’ information? D:
Store it in the Content DB, and join in the User Role API rather than SQL joining backends
What’s the difference between a Relational and Graph Database

Just to talk myself through designing the database design graph
For each ‘page’ (like the landing page), we create multiple ‘page entry’ items such as ‘about section 1 paragraph text’, ‘nav items’, and ‘background photo’
Some of these ‘page entries’ will either have one entryItem (like a text box), but others will be lists, or a series of different types

Objectives Completed