Sprint #2.5 - Daily Scrum #16
Product: Tetris2P AI
Sprint Summary
Daily Objectives
- Can’t sleep till I’ve published some version of the mini-game module so I can finish up the sprint
- Start looking into the Tetris AI again
Where did I leave off? Slow progress last few days. Oh, I realized it was difficult getting sudo permissions within crouton to execute a lot of npm commands, so I need to recreate the project on my desktop. Need to add mainloop to the dependencies. Where I left off was figuring out how to make node modules that use other node modules in their dependency list. Am I supposed to require the mainloop object from the node modules? Does this mean the node module isn’t meant to be used within its own project? Oh, I also need to learn how to use uh node modules installed locally
Ok so I need to use grunt now I think for uglify.
A Gruntfile is comprised of the following parts:
- The “wrapper” function
- Project and task configuration
- Loading Grunt plugins and tasks
- Custom tasks
poggers, I got uglify kinda working now :)
So I figured out how to add grunt tasks and use uglify. BUT, I’m having an issue with exporting javascript class objects, saying:
Unexpected token: name <<gameObject>>, expected: punk <<;>>
I’m gonna check the source files for mainloop.js, to see if there’s a solution I can borrow. Apparently, uglify doesn’t support classes/ES6 yet? Oh, I installed a different branch of grunt uglify (harmony) and its working perfectly now :)
Except now I need to change the project name since mini-engine is already taken. What exactly is the project? It’s a small game engine for developing games on a single HTML5 Canvas, using a similar workflow from Unity.
- game
- game engine
- html5 canvas
- unity
- javascript
Canvas-engine? Mini5-engine? I like mini5-engine. We’re gonna go with that! :) I can’t believe I almost used ‘mengine’ as a name.
AND WE’RE DONE! ‘Done’. But I have my first node module published and working :) To Do (for the node module):
- Write documentation
- Add examples
- Add networking
To Do (for etc. stuff):
- Write up Sprint
- Start next Sprint
- Tetris 2P
- Tetris AI/ML Agent
Objectives Completed
- finally set up official github repo and deployed mini5-engine to npm! :)