This overview page is still a work in progress


I’m developing an online multiplayer Tetris2P game, along with an AI/ML Agent for the public to play against.


I’m still figuring out how to improve user navigation for this website, but you can find the scrum board for the project over here.


After the loss of, I wanted to develop my own Tetris client with the Tetris Battle 2P format/rule set along with a computer AI built from scratch. Following Google’s AlphaStar as an example, the end goal is to teach the AI different Tetris strategies, from simply surviving to 4-wide and T-Spin strategies. I also hope to exercise my AI knowledge from college courses as well as to learn more about game development architectures.

Current Roadmap

  1. Creating the Game Engine - MOSTLY COMPLETED
  2. Make a Single Player Tetris Game
  3. Introduce Multiplayer and Deploy Game Online
  4. Research and create Tetris AI/ML Agent