Product: Tetris2P AI
Sprint #1: July 15 - June 19
Scrum Board: Link

  1. Develop a Tetris2P Game Client
  2. Add Multiplayer and Deploy the Game Online

The goal has been met once the game client is deployed for the public to play.

This sprint has been canceled and postponed, due to a branch of the project roadmap. Here’s the new sprint. The original plan was to set up a basic draw update loop for the tetris game, as I’ve done for a different project before. However, I wanted to make the game robust and consistency across all computers. An issue I ran into for an old project was the ‘ingame timer’ slowing down when the update loop takes too long to compute. For a networked game, this would introduce several vulnerabilities and synchronization issues. To mend this, I found and decided to use mainloop.js. While figuring out how to detect clicks and and keyboard inputs, I decided to turn my progress into a mini game engine, that sort of follows Unity’s scripting and gameObject development flow. With the scope and goals changed, I decided to start a new separate sprint.

Daily Scrums

Monday [07/15/2019]
Objectives Completed:
  • Got a better understanding of client server code and update loops
  • Got a better understanding of tetris physics and mechanics

Sprint #2 - Daily Scrum #01

Tuesday [07/16/2019]
Objectives Completed:
  • Figured out and detailed most of the Tetris mechanics
  • Gained a better understanding of javascript game loops and maintaining consistent fps and timing

Sprint #2 - Daily Scrum #02

Wednesday [07/17/2019]
Objectives Completed:
  • read through documentation and use guide for MainLoop.js
  • Listed out necessary gameObjects and scenes for the Tetris game
  • set up example javascript class for creating gameObjects with MainLoop.js

Sprint #2 - Daily Scrum #03

Thursday [07/18/2019]
Objectives Completed:
  • Mapped out the game navigation and corresponding buttons for each scene
  • Fleshed out necessary gameObjects again
  • Created and detailed pseudocode for the actual game logic

Sprint #2 - Daily Scrum #04

Friday [07/19/2019]
Objectives Completed:
  • Determined a change of project scope to creating a game engine
  • Detailed necessary functions of a basic game engine

Sprint #2 - Daily Scrum #05

Sprint Review

What went well?

I did a decent job of documentating notes and thought processes.

What didn’t go well?

Once again, I didn’t set reasonable goals.

What to do next time?