


This section of the documentation outlines the directory structure of the cicd resources and explains which values need to be configured for a deployment. Afterwards, we outline step by step on how to deploy the cicd system and describe which/what resources are deployed on which clusters.

CI/CD Directory Structure

├── chartmuseum/
|   ├── values.yaml
├── docker-registry/
|   ├── values.yaml
├── minio/
|   ├── values.yaml
├── ingress-master/
|   ├── values.yaml
├── helm-api/
|   ├── charts/
|   ├── templates/
|	|   ├── configmap.yaml
|   |	└── helmsman-cronjob.yaml
|   ├── helmsman/
|   |	└── kubeconfig
|   ├── Chart.yaml
|   └── values.yaml
├── polling-server/
|   ├── charts/
|   ├── templates/
|	|   └── configmap.yaml
|   ├── Chart.yaml
|   └── values.yaml
├── cicd_storage_dss.yaml
├── cicd_tools_dss.yaml
├── applications/
|   ├── application-prod.yaml
|   ├── application-staging.yaml
|   └── application-staging.yaml


  • update the and values for each values.yaml file except for the helm-api.
  • specify the cluster.context value in helm-api values.yaml file
  • list the application pipelines and helm pipelines in the polling-server values.yaml file
  • specify the cluster context for the cicd dss files
  • include any new value files into the application sections of the helmsman dss files

Example Application Directory Structure

├── helm/
|   ├── chart/
|   └── values/
|	|   ├── dev_values.yaml
|	|   ├── prod_values.yaml
|   |	└── staging_values.yaml
├── Dockerfile
├── node_modules/
├── index.js
└── package.json.yaml


  • Example Test Service
  • in an effort to give ownership of the application helm charts back to the developers, as opposed to being managed by a SRE/DevOps team, we’re storing each applications helm charts and value files within their respective github repositories. These helm charts will be uploaded to the chartmuseum repository (via helm-push) and be accessed from there by the helmsman dss files. The value files for the helm chart will be referenced by helmsman using their raw github url link.
  • the Dockerfile must be in the top level directory of the repo, since the polling-server calls docker build using the github repo URL.


Setting up CICD Cluster

  1. git clone && cd mmorpg_cicd
  2. minikube start --profile cicd && minikube profile cicd
  3. create helmsman service account
    • kubectl create sa helmsman
    • kubectl create clusterrolebinding helmsman-cluster-admin --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=default:helmsman
  4. helmsman --apply -f cicd_storage_dss.yaml

Setting up the Application Cluster

  1. minikube --profile app && minikube profile app
  2. create helmsman service account
    • kubectl create sa helmsman
    • kubectl create clusterrolebinding helmsman-cluster-admin --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=default:helmsman
  3. helmsman --apply -f cicd_tools_dss.yaml
  4. helmsman --apply -f application/application-prod.yaml

DSS File Descriptions

This sections describes what applications are deployed by each helmsman dss file.


This basically deploys the same services we would need from JFrog Artifactory

  • stable/minio
  • stable/docker-registry
  • stable/chartmuseum


  • polling-server
  • helm-api
  • keel-hq/keel


  • (the actual application)