Scrum Board [WIP]
Not actually much of a Scrum Board but I needed a place to document and breakdown tasks in a way similar to Jira tickets and stories.
In Progress/To Do:
- Create
BaseClientScene.js andBaseServerScene.js to use as parent for other scenes - Create Multiple Scene’s and Portals between them
- Resize Canvas to window in mini5-engine source
- Create Camera Controller object
- create map game object and anchor all objects to it
- update map canvas position to center/follow window on player
- create horizontally long scene and vertically long scene
- …
- Add ENGINE_MODE variable to mini5-engine to run as ‘server’, ‘client’, or ‘local’
- Create BaseClientScene.js and BaseServerScene.js to use as parent for other scenes
- Reorganize Relevant WebSocket functions and callbacks to appropriate files
- strip from mini5-engine module
- can implement into client/index.js, server/index.js for now
- should move to dedicated client.js, server.js files later