General Architecture

This document describes the mmorpg’s high-level architecture.


Architectural Overview

  • the server manager handles creating and deleting game server instances and assigning them to handle respective in-game map areas as needed in order to distribute the mmorpg over several pods
  • all the supplementary features such as chat api, social services, etc. will be handled as microservices
  • a primary gateway server will handle the user authentication using the Google Idenity Platform and keep record of active user sessions

Components and Interfaces

  • Game Client
  • Primary Gateway Server
  • Server Manager
  • Game Server Instances
  • Social API Service
  • Account Data API
  • Character Data API
  • Questing API
    • stores all Quest information
  • CDN Asset-Server

Design Considerations:

  • I wanted the architecture to follow a microservices pattern for serveral reasons
    • easy for horizonatlly scaling individual features/aspects of the overall project
    • easier to understand and read higher level/complicated architecture if its actually broken down into smaller microservices
    • we might want separate services to be accessible outside of the context of the actual game
      • ex: displaying character data and leaderboards on the landing page website outside of a running game server
    • will be easier to add newer features to the project in the long term
  • allows for instancing individual areas of the in-game world by separating them into different pods so the entire world is handled by one running process/CPU
    • resource optimization vs performance optimization vs network/bandwidth optimiztion
    • will also make it easier to create instanced areas and dungeons as a feature to the mmo


Revision 1


Revision 2


Revision 3



  • I’m thinking of adding a Map Data API, so Game Server Instances don’t need to have a copy of ALL other Map details despite only being charge of one Map area. The Server Manager would just send a Map ID to an idle Game Server, and then the Game Server would send a request to the Map Data API and set itself up based on the response.